Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Metal Detectors - Persuasive Paper essays

Metal Detectors - Persuasive Paper essays Persuasive Paper Period 1 I am writing you in response to having metal detectors at school. I know that this is a good idea. It is good for many reasons such as keeping students in-line, enforcing school rules, and keeping schools from being a victim of school violence. The main reason for having metal detectors is safety. Security and assurance of safety in schools is decreasing rapidly as seen on TV or read in newspapers. Metal detectors would provide much more security at our schools. Metal detectors would also help us avoid a big accident such as Columbine; it would keep people with guns from entering our school. This would make everyone from parent to teacher to student feel much safer. As far as being irritating and troublesome for as many students as we have at Heights. I know that we would need many detectors and place them where there is a lot of space so that it would not cause a huge crowd of people trying to get into school. We could put them at many doors not just the breezeways. Then we also have the question of what students can and cannot bring. Also students need to know exactly what the punishment is for different offences and what teachers need to do for problems. To implement having metal detectors at schools we would need to clearly circumscribe what you can bring to school and the punishment for those who transgress these rules. In conclusion metal detectors are a very advantageous idea at schools. I also know that there would be many bugs and problems that would be simple to work out. ...

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